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Real-Time Economy Institute (​Training, Research, Summit and Workshops)

Real-Time Economy Network (RTEN) Institute seeks to build capacity of future leaders in real-time technology innovations, provide industry led knowledge base, research outcomes and position statements essential to drive U.N. Sustainable Development Goals. RTEN Institute operate through 2 activities:    

Real-Time Economy Summit


Real-Time Economy Summit provides a platform for experiential discussions and dialogue in the real-time economy world. Exclusive invite and registration of interested bodies, industry and economy leaders, and real-time technology organisations and participants for a hybrid edition (virtual + in person) with over 200 executives will debut in November 2025 across these themes:  

Real-Time Economy Training & Webinars

RTEN CoREPs  in collaboration with industry thought leaders, subject matter experts and the broader development community build out programmes that support the emergence and bridging of digital economy professionals.  

Attend our FREE Certified Real-Time Economy Practitioner course (member ONLY access)